Saturday, October 18, 2014

These 2 facinators are made from   bras  they are going to be used to support Breast Screen
A great fun project. The brief was to make a facinator from a bra to support breast screen but it had to have hand made lace on it.
The pink flowers are from Rosemary Shepherds book fantasy flowers , the cream piece on No 2 is from Jenny Fishers book

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Jo-bot and cuffs for highland dancing worked for Grandson

Friday, July 25, 2014

A very simple crochet bookmark no 20 variegated thread

Friday, April 25, 2014

3 fans, 1 crochet, 1 tatted and 1 torchon

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This is my tatted rope necklace

Saturday, March 1, 2014

These 3 are just a bit of fun   The middle one has Jane's TIAS  goats from last year we did as a group project. Fortunately we will be able to add this years TIAS to the same picture.

A proper photo of my fan  as promised

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

These 3 photos are of a bag I made, I had a fat quarter of the Gumnut fabric and wanted to put it to the best of use so used it on both sides and for the handle I only had about 1/4' of fabric left over.
This bag has 5 zippered sections 2 large enough to take spiral folders and the others big enough to take my tool kits for whatever lace I am working on at the time. And yes I am saving up to purchase a tripod.

Friday, January 31, 2014

These 4 photos are of a display I have in the library , the 3 top ones are separate shelves the bottom on the whole display.
Tatting, crochet, torchon lace. felting

This is a photo of my tatted fan on display in the library sorry about the light behind it will try for a better photo when I take the display down

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Owl is from Jennifer Fishers Book and the  Pussycat is from an old edition of Australian Lace
The Boat is a small boomerang painted green. This was for a challenge to use the boomerang  to showcase the lace

Saturday, January 25, 2014

this is my bobbin lace pillow bag, paper pieced patchwork with machine embroidery over the patchwork, the flowers are just repeats of 1 flower worked in different colors and positioned  where I wanted them

Friday, January 17, 2014

2 small tatted bells in no 20 thread

this is a shuttle carrier worked in no 20 thread

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another crochet doyley  this time using no 60 thread

Another view of basket . The machine embroidery is made using the circular attachment on  my sewing machine

This little basket has machine embroidery around the outside with a tatted frill

Saturday, January 11, 2014

This doyley is crochet in no 40 thread

Another tatted doyley this time using no 60 thread

Friday, January 10, 2014

2  more pretty little bookmarks
A pretty little bookmark using reverse stitch tatting

Thursday, January 9, 2014

This is a torchon lace fan worked with finca thread

Once again I played with Jeanie Luggerts rose and glued it to a small belt buckle to make a brooch

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This is a small pin cushion for a challenge for Pin cushion featuring lace.